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“Make your ear like a funnel and acquire for yourself a perceptive heart … “
—Babylonian Talmud, Exodus
This wisdom accompanied graduates of JFCS’ New Leaders Fellowship—a year-long Jewish community leadership program—on a uniquely curated trip to Israel this summer led by JFCS Executive Director Dr. Anita Friedman. While in Israel, Fellows learned about the country’s deep-rooted history, the complexities of its history and politics today, and the beauty of its culture, food, and lifestyle.

JFCS New Leaders Fellows shared a special Shabbat dinner in Jerusalem at the home of Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, President of the Shalom Hartman Institute. Photos by participant Richie R.
As emerging leaders, it was a one-of-a-kind opportunity to hear many perspectives and then take these ideas back to the Bay Area, where Fellows can further their leadership in the Jewish Community.
Morgan Buras Finlay, a JFCS Fellow and delegate to Israel, says, “The JFCS Fellowship connected the practical side of organizational leadership with Jewish ethics and values, and enriched my thinking about why and how I give back. It has encouraged me to think about how I show up as a Jewish leader, personally and professionally.”

The group visited Kishorit, a residential community in the Western Galilee and partner of JFCS’ Shupin Community for adults with disabilities, where residents live full, independent lives and grow old with dignity.

A Golan Heights Jeep ride over the volcanic hills on Israel’s Syrian border.
Applications are open for next year’s Fellowship! Learn more here >