JFCS Builds New Lives for Ukrainian Refugees
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Valentina and her daughter fled Ukraine in the spring. Shortly after arriving in San Francisco, Valentina broke her leg. In need of medical care and a place to live, she called JFCS. JFCS helped Valentina navigate health insurance and find temporary lodging with local volunteers. It took a while to find the right living situation, but JFCS was by her side throughout, providing food, access to transportation, job-seeking classes, and community with other Ukrainians in the area. “JFCS’ help allowed me to think and take steps to get back on my feet. They never stopped asking how we were doing,… Read More

Posted by Admin on December 22, 2022
JFCS Announces New Partnership with IsraAID and the First Lady of Ukraine
  • Counseling & Mental Health
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The mental health effects of the war in Ukraine are acute for children and adults—anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. In response, JFCS partnered with IsraAID, the Office of Ukraine’s First Lady, and Ukraine’s Ministry of Health to launch a national mental health and psychosocial support initiative. Through this collaborative effort—made possible in part by the generous donations to JFCS’ Ukrainian Emergency Relief Initiative—JFCS and IsraAID will provide mental health first aid training to enable Ukrainian staff to better care for people living in frontline cities, like Odesa and Kherson. JFCS has long specialized in trauma training and in… Read More

Posted by Admin on December 22, 2022
August 2022 Update on JFCS’ Ukraine Relief Efforts
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See our Ukraine response resources > Heartfelt Gratitude from a Ukrainian Family The San Jose Mercury News featured the story of a Ukrainian couple, Mariia and Anatolii, that JFCS has been privileged to help—thanks to your generosity. Their daughter, Oksana, shared these words of gratitude for the support our community provided to her parents, who arrived in the Bay Area with serious health issues after a treacherous journey: “When Laura [one of JFCS’ care managers] met with my parents, listened to their story, and learned about their needs, she made every effort to help. She took care of every problem,… Read More

Posted by Admin on August 12, 2022
July 2022 Update on JFCS’ Ukraine Relief Efforts
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See our Ukraine response resources > For 19 weeks, we all have followed the news of the war in Ukraine. Throughout this time of great pain, our community has come together by contributing humanitarian aid, advocating for refugees, and volunteering time, talent, and resources. Thank you for being part of this vital effort! Read on for updates on how JFCS is helping. Longtime JFCS Volunteer Helps to Welcome Ukrainian Refugees to Our Community When Marina Kantorova matches a JFCS volunteer with a Ukrainian refugee, she helps ensure they have the warm welcome and essential assistance that made all the difference… Read More

Posted by Admin on July 7, 2022
June 2022 Update on JFCS’ Ukraine Relief Efforts
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See our Ukraine response resources > Ukrainian Refugees in the Bay Area Receive Housing and Life-Saving Medical Care through JFCS Olesia and her family were living in Kyiv when the war started. That very day, she and her husband, Volodymyr, packed their two children, ages 15 and 22 months, and a few belongings in the car and left. The roads were nearly impassable due to traffic from people fleeing the war, and the family had to stop frequently to shelter from incoming bombs, which was especially difficult as their oldest daughter, Yaroslava, relies on a wheelchair. Olesia and her family… Read More

Posted by Admin on June 10, 2022
JFCS Emigre Committee Member on the Ground in Warsaw
  • Ukraine Response
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“Everyone I met was traumatized. When children were given art supplies, they drew tanks, machine guns, rockets. And homes, right alongside,” says Anna Lushtak, a longtime friend of Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCS) and member of our Emigre Committee, who recently spent two weeks volunteering in Poland with Ukrainian refugees. For Anna, who emigrated to the US from the former Soviet Union decades ago and received resettlement assistance from JFCS, the plight of the refugees felt deeply personal. Describing what motivated her to share her time and skills, Anna says, “I was watching what was going on in desperation.… Read More

Posted by Admin on April 27, 2022
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