Impact Year Leadership Program

Throughout Impact Year, teens are encouraged to think about themselves, their futures, and their place in the world through a Jewish values-based lens. As they explore their own identities, teens are presented with the challenge to consider how they want to put values such as tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedakah (an obligation to give back to your community) into action and make an impact in their local communities. By exploring these and other Jewish ideas and values, teens come to realize that they are living Jewishly by engaging in service.

Being an Impact Year Leader is a great way to gain a better understanding of the needs in our community while building new leadership skills. With the support of the YouthFirst staff, leaders collaboratively create and execute service and advocacy projects for their local communities.

Over the course of the eight-month commitment, Impact Year Leaders:

Lead—by planning and executing original service and advocacy projects for teens in their community to support populations in need.

Learn—by participating in interactive monthly workshops, gaining professional and personal skills like time management, communication, and public speaking.

Grow—by getting the support to succeed and work on themselves and their personal growth.

Build Community—by building strong bonds with each other and becoming skilled community advocates.

Become a Leader!

Applications are Open for School Year 2024 – 2025:


Impact Year Registration Form


Impact Year Registration Form


Impact Year Registration Form


Impact Year Registration Form

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Contact Us

  • Associate Director
  • Debra Massey
  • San Francisco
  • Inbal Shalev
  • North Peninsula
  • Merav Berger
  • South Peninsula
  • Deborah Schneider
  • Marin County
  • Kate-Alexandra Levine
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