Exploring ‘The End of Life’ with Sophocles
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KQED’ Forum with Michael Krasny

Death and saying goodbye—they are among life’s most mysterious and challenging phenomena. The theatrical production “End of Life” opens a dialogue about these experiences via staged readings of two Greek tragedies written by Sophocles. Artistic director Bryan Doerries joins Forum, along with award-winning actor David Strathairn and a palliative care expert, to discuss the show and making peace with mortality.

David Strathairn and Frances McDormand

David Strathairn and Frances McDormand

David Strathairn, actor
Bryan Doerries, artistic director, Theater of War
Redwing Keyssar, palliative care director, Jewish Family and Children’s Services; author, “Last Acts of Kindness: Lessons for the Living from the Bedsides of the Dying”

Listen to the full radio segment >

Posted by Admin on April 16, 2018