
JFCS and Los Angeles Wildfire Relief

We are in close contact with our colleagues at Jewish Family Service LA and other LA groups are ready to provide whatever help is needed.

We encourage donations to the LA Federation’s Wildfire Crisis Relief Fund. 100% of donations will go directly to fire relief efforts, including JFSLA’s services.



Please call us if you need support or assistance.


Find a JFCS program that fits your needs.


Funds are urgently needed to care for isolated seniors, vulnerable, and sick members of our community.

Join JFCS’ Jewish Baby Network Peninsula families for a Tu B’Shvat concert and nature-themed activities. ( for kids 0 – 5 years and their parents)
Uncover the mysteries of the aging brain. Take charge of your cognitive wellness and embrace aging with confidence and vitality! Dr. Catherine Madison, Seniors At Home Staff Neurologist, will discuss...
Discover what’s really happening in your teen’s developing brain and why risk-taking behaviors are part of their journey. Learn how to maintain open communication and strengthen your parent-teen relationship while...
Balancing work and family while caring for an aging adult with memory loss can be difficult. Share your experiences and challenges while receiving emotional support, information, and resources.
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Federal Ministry of Finance

Social Services for Jewish Nazi victims have been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.

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